Maine is a shall-issue and constitutional carry state. The Department of Public Safety, through its acting the body, the Maine State Police, is responsible for the issuance of concealed weapons permits. The purchase of a handgun from any private individual does not require a license, background check, or firearm registration, unless purchased from a Federal Firearms Dealer.
Since the State of Maine follows constitutional carry, open and concealed carry is legal without a permit. However, he/she must be at least 21-years-old and could legally possess a firearm.
Regarding Maine's Permit to Carry, permits are issued at the state level. The CCH or Carry Concealed Handguns permit requires a state-approved firearms training course to be granted. CCHs are available for both residents and non-residents, with a minimum age limit of 18-years-old.
The State reciprocity allows any person at least 21-years-old and can legally possess a firearm to carry concealed firearms on his or her person without a license or permit. There is no restriction for members of the Armed Forces of the United States or the National Guard in carrying a concealed handgun -- either discharged or on active duty.
Maine is a Castle Doctrine state, and the use of deadly force is only justifiable when the person uses it for self-defense against reason to believe it's necessary or reason to the other person is about to use:
- Unlawful, deadly force against the person or third party; or
- Committing or about to commit a kidnapping, robbery, or sexual assault against the person or a third party.
It is also legal to use deadly force in an encounter:
- Where the other person has entered or is attempting to enter a dwelling place or has surreptitiously remained within a dwelling place without a license or privilege;
- When the use of deadly force is necessary to prevent the infliction of bodily injury.
Maine CCH License Process
Minimum Requirements:
- The applicant must be at least 18-years-old.
- The applicant must not be prohibited by State law from possessing a firearm.
- Able to demonstrate knowledge regarding handgun safety.
- The applicant must be of good moral character.
- Never been convicted in a Maine court of a violation of possession of firearms in an established licensed for on-premises consumption of liquor within the past five years.
- Not have been the subject of an investigation by any law enforcement agency within the past five years regarding the alleged abuse.
- Not have been convicted in any jurisdiction within the past five years as a result of three or more counts of a crime punishable by a term of imprisonment of less than a year; or
- Of crimes classified under the State of Maine as a misdemeanor and punishable by a prison term of two years or less.
- No engagement within the past five years in reckless or negligent conduct that has been the subject of an investigation by a governmental entity.
- Never been convicted in Maine court within the past five years of any drug-related crime.
- Meet the Federal Law requirements.
To obtain a Maine permit, follow these steps below:
- Must read and understand CCW pamphlet entitled "Laws Relating to Permits to Carry Concealed Firearms."
- Download the application form.
- Complete and submit the application with the following documents:
- An application for a concealed carry permit
- Two Authority to Release Information forms
- Copy of the DD-214 form for members of the Armed forces
- Color photocopy of passport photography sized at 2x2”
- Proof of knowledge of handgun safety
- Copies of issued CCW permits by other states
- Valid copy of the DD-214 form (for members of the Armed Forces only)
- License Fees
- Mail your application to your state or a local police station. You will be notified by mail within 30 days.
To renew your license, please refer to the steps provided below:
- Submit the renewal application within six months before the expiration date.
- Download the necessary document based on your application type:
- Resident Application and Instructions
- Non-Resident Application and Instructions
- You can either mail or walk-in the completed application form to the State Police, along with the following documents:
- An application for a concealed carry permit
- Two Authority to Release Information forms
- Copy of the DD-214 form for members of the Armed forces
- Color photocopy of passport photography sized at 2x2”
- Copies of issued CCW permits by other states
- Valid copy of the DD-214 form (for members of the Armed Forces only)
- License Fees
- A mail notification will be sent to your address on file within 30 days.
Here's is the summary of the license fees you need to pay:
- New Permit Application - $35
- Renewal Application - $20
- For duplicates, change of address, or name change, an additional $2 will be added.
Maine CCW Laws Basic
Must Notify Officer
Yes/No - Must Notify Officer
For individuals carrying a concealed firearm without a permit, you MUST inform the law enforcement officer.
For individuals carrying a concealed firearm with a permit, you are not required to inform the law enforcement officer of any private property or business. However, it is highly recommended to present your permit and ID when requested.
No Weapons Allowed
Yes - "No Weapons Allowed" Sign Enforced
The State of Maine enforces the "No Weapons Allowed" sign and expect all individuals to adhere. Legal penalties are placed for those who disobeyed the law.
Vehicle Carry
Yes - Vehicle Carry Allowed
Any person in Maine who's at least 21-years-old and can legally possess a firearm can carry a loaded, concealed handgun in a motor vehicle with or without a permit/license.
Permit Issuance
The Department of Public Safety, through the State Police, is the responsible party issuing all concealed carry permits/licenses. Please refer to the CCH processing on Section Three of this page.
Open Carry
Yes - Open Carry Allowed
The State of Maine allows open carry with or without a permit/license. However, you are not allowed to open carry on areas prohibited by the State. Please refer to the off-limit areas on Section 12 of this page.
Maine Gun Forms & Supporting Documentation
Purchase and Possession
A Permit to purchase firearms including rifles, shotguns, and handguns is not required in the state of Maine. Firearms dealers must maintain an accurate record of all firearm sales, rentals and loans which include the serial number, make, caliber of firearm, and the name and address of the person receiving or purchasing the firearm. The record must be available and open to inspection by any police officer, sheriff, deputy sheriff, prosecuting attorney, game warden, or constable.
A firearms safety brochure shall be included with the purchase of every firearm, by the dealer. It is illegal to give, provide, sell, or offer to sell gunpowder, air rifles, smokeless powder, or ammunition, to a child under the age of 16.
It is unlawful to give, sell, furnish, provide, or offer to sell
to any child under the age of 16: air rifles, gunpowder, smokeless powder or ammunition for a firearm. It is considered an affirmative defense if the firearm was for use by and under direct supervision of a parent or legal guardian or an adult given permission by the minor’s parent or legal guardian.
It is illegal to transfer a handgun to any person under the age of 18. A retail merchant must post a conspicuous warning at the counter no less than one inch in height that reads:
No permit is required to possess a rifle, shotgun, or handgun. A juvenile may not possess a firearm if he/she has a conviction for specific non-violent crimes within three years of his/her application for a firearm, or until the age of 18, whichever is longer. It is illegal to possess a firearm in an establishment where liquor is sold or served, and where prohibition of firearms is posted, unless the individual is a law enforcement officer or a private investigator. It is further unlawful to possess a firearm while under the influence, in this type of establishment.
Carrying a Firearm
permit to carry a concealed firearm is required and may not be carried about the person without the concealed carry permit. Firearms carried in the glove compartment or area of a vehicle that is readily accessible require a concealed carry permit as well. A firearm may be carried openly without a permit, however a concealed carry permit is required for state employees who wish to lock firearms in a vehicle and out of sight.
With the exception of a law enforcement officer in the course of his/her duties, it is illegal to carry a firearm loaded with a round of ammunition in the chamber, or attached magazine, or a muzzle-loading firearm charged with powder, lead, and an ignition device in any motor vehicle, trailer, or towed vehicle.
A loaded pistol or revolver may be carried in or on a motor vehicle or trailer if the possessor of such firearms has obtained a permit to carry a concealed firearm.
A concealed carry permit may be issued by the following: a mayor, a municipal officer or councilor of a city or town, the assessors of a plantation, a full-time chief of police, or the chief of the state police for a resident or non-resident of an unorganized territory.
In order to obtain a permit to carry a concealed firearm, the applicant must be at least 18 years old, be of good character and must not be restricted from possessing a firearm under Maine state law. Issuing authorities shall make decisions regarding good moral character based on reports from government agencies and entities in the five years prior to application. The issuing authority shall examine records of family abuse, whether there are three or more commissions of crimes punishable for less than one year, prison time for one or more acts committed as a juvenile that would constitute punishment of less than one year if committed by an adult, reports of reckless conduct, behavior considered negligent, and violations that are drug related, whether juvenile or adult
An individual has the right to make application to the Commissioner of Public Safety for a permit to carry firearms after a period of five years has elapsed from the final discharge of his/her sentence. Any denial of such an application found to be arbitrary, capricious, or discriminatory in nature may be overturned by the courts.
The following information must be included on the application for a concealed carry permit: applicant’s name, physical description, personal information, addresses for the preceding five years, history of prior licenses to carry concealed, and any refusal or revocation of a permit to carry. A photograph may be required to accompany the application, as well as a set of fingerprints and access to mental health records. A questionnaire of over 30 questions must be answered pertaining to the adult and juvenile criminal history, including any charges currently pending, convictions, not guilty verdicts based on mental defect or mental disease for crimes that include drugs, weapons, crimes punishable of more than one year imprisonment, threat of bodily injury, drug abuse, order of restraint, status as a fugitive from justice, drug addiction, drug dependency, dishonorable military discharge, illegal alien status, and any other issue affecting good moral character. Questions pertaining to mental disorders where an individual may be a danger to self or others, or are considered mentally incapacitated may be asked as well.
A resident of the state of Maine for a period of at least five years will receive his/ her permit within 30 days. All other permits will be issued within 60 days. A concealed carry permit shall be valid for a period of four years from the date of issue throughout the state of Maine. The cost of an original permit is $35 for state residents and $20 for a renewal. Non-residents who are qualified must apply to the Chief of the State Police for a fee of $60. This covers the cost of an original permit, or a renewal permit for non-residents.
A permit holder must notify the issuing authority of any change of residence within 30 days of making the change. The permit shall remain valid for the remainder of time until expiration. The permit shall be re-issued with the new address by the issuing authority for a fee not to exceed $2. A permit shall be suspended and must be surrendered to a law enforcement officer if the permit holder is in possession of a loaded firearm and refuses to submit to required drug or alcohol testing.
Antiques & Replicas
The state of Maine considers any antique firearm or replica of a firearm under the same laws as modern firearms for possession, purchase, or carrying purposes.
Machine Guns
It is legal to possess a registered machine gun if it is in compliance with federal laws and regulations. It is illegal to use or possess an automatic firearm while engaged in hunting.
Range Protection
A person may not maintain a nuisance action for noise against a shooting range...
§ 2806. Sport shooting ranges
1. Acquisition of property near existing range. Except as provided in this subsection, a person may not maintain a nuisance action for noise against a shooting range located in the vicinity of that person's property if the shooting range was established as of the date the person acquired the property. If there is a substantial change in use of the range after the person acquires the property, the person may maintain a nuisance action if the action is brought within 3 years from the beginning of the substantial change.
2. Establishment of shooting range near existing property. A person who owns property in the vicinity of a shooting range that was established after the person acquired the property may maintain a nuisance action for noise against that shooting range only if the action is brought within 5 years after establishment of the range or 3 years after a substantial change in use of the range.
3. Dormant shooting range. If there has been no shooting activity at a range for a period of 3 years, resumption of shooting is considered establishment of a new shooting range for purposes of this section.
4. Application. This section does not limit nuisance actions against shooting ranges established after the effective date of this section.
§ 3011. Regulation of sport shooting ranges
1. Definition. As used in this section, “sport shooting range” means an area designed and used for archery, skeet and trap shooting or other similar shooting sports and the shooting of rifles, shotguns and pistols.
2. Limitation. A municipal noise control ordinance may not require or be applied so as to require a sport shooting range to limit or eliminate shooting activities that have occurred on a regular basis at the range prior to the enactment date of the ordinance.
3. Expansion of activity. Nothing in this section limits the ability of a municipality to regulate noise produced by the expansion of activity at a sport shooting range.
Maine Concealed Carry Reciprocity
Maine's Reciprocity States
States that honor a maine permit
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Wyoming
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Wyoming
Maine honors permits from these states
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming
Maine will only honor resident permit/licenses from all the states they recognize.
Off-Limit Areas
- Courthouses
- State Parks
- Acadia National Park
- Schools
- State Capitol area
- Private property when prohibited by the property owner
- Establishments licensed for on-premises consumption of liquor if the premises are posted. Note that even if there is no posted prohibition, it is illegal to carry on these premises while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs
- Wildlife Sanctuaries
- Labor disputes and strikes
- Baxter State Park
- Allagash Wilderness Waterway
- Federal Law prohibited areas
Allowed Areas
- State and national forests
- Roadside rest areas
- Vehicle
- All areas of the state except those listed above.
No city, municipality, other locality, or political subdivision of the state may enact laws governing the regulation of firearms, firearm components, ammunition, or supplies that do not conform to Maine state law. No municipality or subdivision of the state of Maine may enact any ordinance that regulates hunting, fishing, or trapping.
No municipality may bring a civil action against a manufacturer of firearms for damages, injunctive relief, or abatement as a result of the legal design, manufacture, sale, or marketing of firearms or ammunition made available to the public. A municipality may however, file suit against a manufacturer of firearms or ammunition, or a dealer of such for a breach of warranty or contract involving firearms purchased for the municipality. It is illegal to remove, obscure, or alter a manufacturer’s serial number or other identifying mark or symbol with intent to prevent the identification of the firearm for fraudulent purposes. Unless authorized by the owner or other adult occupying a residence in absence of the owner, it is illegal to
discharge a firearm within 100 yards of a residence.
It is illegal to discharge a firearm or carry a loaded firearm while in a motor vehicle or motorized boat or in any trailer or towable vehicle while in the process of being towed. Hunters who are disabled and possess a loaded firearm in a stationary vehicle or persons lawfully hunting migratory fowl from a motorboat, and individuals in possession of a loaded handgun who have obtained a license to carry a concealed firearm are exempt from these regulations. No auto-loading firearm with a magazine holding more than five cartridges may be possessed or used for the purpose of hunting.
Further, it is illegal to hunt with a silencing or muffling device, exploding bullets, or tracer bullets, or to hunt with a shotgun designed to hold more than three shells (unless the firearm has been modified to hold three shells in total in the magazine and the chamber combined) while hunting migratory fowl.
No minor under the age of 10 shall be eligible to possess a hunting license. It is illegal to allow a minor under the age of 16 to hunt without supervision from a parent or legal guardian or an adult 18 years of age or older with the permission of the parent or legal guardian who holds a hunting license valid in the state of Maine, or who has completed an approved hunter safety course. A minor who is 16 years of age or older, who possesses a junior hunting license is required to successfully complete a hunter safety course before he/she can hunt without required supervision. Concealed carry of firearms by permit holders and law enforcement officials may now carry firearms in Acadia National Park.

Maine Off Limit Statues
20-A M.R.S. 401 §10009. - Regulation of Public Safety on College and University Campuses
2. Power to regulate. Nothing in Title 25, section 2011 limits the power of any college or university to regulate the possession of firearms on the property of the college or university. [ 2009, c. 170, §1 (New) .]
Admin. Rule 16: 633 - 16 Weapons
The following rules govern possession of weapons in a licensed slot machine facility. “Weapons” include but are not limited to any firearm, taser, stun gun, sling shot, knuckles, bowie knife, dirk, stiletto or other dangerous or deadly weapon usually employed in the attack on or defense of a person.
Admin. Rule 16: 219 - 41 Capitol Area Security Rules
2 F. No person, except a police officer on duty, shall carry firearms, dangerous weapons, explosives, incendiary devices, or implements which by their nature are capable of being used to destroy or injure a person or property in the Capitol Area.
1. Definitions as Used to Describe Capitol Area. The following words and phrases, when used in these regulations, shall have the following meanings, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context:
A. "Capitol Area" when used in these regulations shall mean the land, building, personal property and facilities owned, leased, occupied, used or possessed by the State in or at:
(1) The Capitol Area described in I M.R.S.A., Section 814, and
(2) The District Court Building on State Street, and
(3) The State Police Barracks and Garage on Hospital Street, and
(4) Blaine House Complex, and
(5) Blaine Memorial, and
(6) The Augusta Mental Health Institute Complex, and
(7) Any Other State Controlled Locations, Whether Its Owned, Leased, Or Just Used By The State Within The City Limits Of Augusta, Maine.
Baxter State Park (Off Limits to Permit Holders)
Admin. Rule 94: 293 1 - Baxter State Park Rules and Regulations
3.1. Hunting and trapping are prohibited within the Park. Use or possession of any firearm, bow and arrow, sling shot, or air rifle or pistol is prohibited. Firearms may be transported through the Park if kept in a car trunk, enclosed in a case or otherwise inaccessible to use.
Note: The language in LD 1347 is specific in referring to lands administered by the Maine Department of Conservation, Bureau of Parks and Lands (BPL). Baxter State park is an administratively and financially independent State agency administered solely by the Baxter State Park Authority and consequently, it does not fall under the jurisdiction of LD 1347. Other Illegal Areas: Firearms or crossbows may not be carried on game preserves.